First Class Trophy is an international company with professional team members from many countries with substantial experience in hunting, taxidermy, logistics and project management.
We have more than 35 people in our organization – ready to serve our clients with high-quality taxidermy work, safe logistics, and comprehensive service.
Below you´ll find portraits of our team members as well as a short introduction.
We speak multiple languages from English, German, Danish, Swedish, Hungarian, Afrikaans, Ukrainian, and Slovenian.
We look forward to serving you.

Carsten Skakkebaek
Founder & CEOBorn in the northern part of Denmark in 1958 I moved to Aarhus, Denmark, in 1980. I got stuck here… My passion is outdoor life, hunting and fishing. I’ve hunted in more than 25 countries and my favorite game is the African Buffalo. Above all, I enjoy the many friendships I have been so fortunate to establish during my hunting trips all over the world. I speak Danish, English, German and can also communicate in Swedish and Norwegian languages.

Ken Walker
Director Quality & Creativity
Wynand Louw
Business Operation ManagerBorn in Cape Town, South Africa, in 1985. I moved to Namibia when I turned 12 years old. I love the nature, the game and the wilderness. My favourite game animals are all the African species. In 2006 I moved to Denmark, where I live today with my wife. I speak Danish, English and Afrikaans.

Tommy Loberg Jøns
Project coordinator
Károly Bengyik
Managing Director HungaryI was born in 1969 in Pásztó, Hungary and living here ever since then. I have a degree in environmental engineering. I have always liked the outdoor life and being able to hunt or fish in my free time. As a managing director it gives me great pleasure providing thousands of beautiful trophies for hunters all around the world. I speak Hungarian and English.

Bohdan Vasiliev
Life size specialist taxidermistI was born in 1985 in Zhytamyr, Ukraine. I have a Biology Teacher diploma. As a taxidermist I have 10 years’ experience. I have worked in Ukraine, then moved to Hungary. My favourite game animals are felines and bears. My hobbies are hunting and riding my motorbike.

István Hajdu
TaxidermistI was born in 1979 in Tiszaföldvár, Hungary. Currently I’m living in Tiszaföldvár with my family. Since my childhood I always loved bird life. This led me to start working in taxidermy. My favourite game animal is the Zebra. My hobby is housing and breeding of birds.

Roland Ritkó
Taxidermist & workshop operation / quality managerI was born in Budapest, Hungary in 1975. I live in Gyömrő with my family. I’ve been a taxidermist for 25 years. With my experience I teach taxidermy at a university. I keep many animals and my favourite animals are falcons. This year I will finish my environmental engineering studies. I speak Hungarian and German.

Florin Horvath
Stefanus Prinsloo
Sales managerI was born in 1977 and raised on a farm in central Namibia, called Okatjetswambo. My passion for Namibia’s great nature and wildlife comes from hunting, fishing and touring the country. Namibia is under my skin and will stay there forever. I have been hunting since I could carry a rifle and these days I enjoy the thrill of bow hunting and getting up close to the animals. I moved to Germany in 2012 and my life is now divided between Europe and Namibia.

Sharon Guild
Managing Director First Class Trophy South AfricaI was born in Port Elizabeth, South Africa. I grew up in Johannesburg and moved to Cape Town in 1989, where I have lived ever since. I love Africa, the bush and the outdoors. I have travelled quite a lot and visited many different countries. My hobby is playing golf with my husband Stephen and good friends on the weekend. I speak English.

Ulrik Hansen
Sales Manager Southern AfricaI was born in Denmark 1971 and moved to Phalaborwa in South Africa in 2001, where I have lived since. I´m a qualified professional hunter, but gave up the commercial hunting years ago. I’m now concentrating on taxidermy work. Living on the doorstep to Kruger National Park puts me in contact with the beautiful wildlife every day. My favourite game is the Buffalo.

Stefan Bengtson
Owner First Class Trophy South SwedenAlso owner of Scandinavian Pro Hunters. I was born in a small town Vislanda in the county of Småland. I been hunting since I was young and been in the hunting business since 1990. My favorite games are Moose and Elephant. My hobbies is the same as the job Hunting.

Sofia Hammarskjöld Bengtson
Owner First Class Trophy South SwedenAlso owner of Scandinavian Pro Hunters. I was born outside Eksjö, Småland, Sweden. I Have had a passion for hunting and shooting since I was a small kid. Before I started as a guide and arranging hunting trips worldwide, I worked as a Gamekeeper for an estate, then as the Wildlifemanager for the governmental forest. I have been in the hunting business for more than 20 years. My favourite hunt is buffalo and of course being Swedish, Moose hunting.

Mikael Olsson
Taxidermy consultant SwedenI have been living in Uddevalla, Sweden, since I was born 1961. Have been a hunter my hole life and my hobby has since 2003 become my profession. I´m also working for a hunting travel agency. Favorite game is the wild boar - and all other game in the world. Beside being First Class Trophy´s representative for Middle & North Sweden and organising hunting trips, I´m the owner of Hunting MOAB.

Lars Schepler
Taxidermy consultant Sweden
Allan Rasmussen
Taxidermy consultant DenmarkI've been hunting since I could start walking. I appreciate learning the hunting traditions, the cultures and the customs of the many countries I´ve been so fortunate to hunt in. I like being challenged and especially appreciate the hunt when extra needs to be done. When hunting in Denmark, my preference is a shotgun along with with my dogs, and abroad I prefer to hunt with a rifle.

Ole Nielsen
Taxidermy consultant DenmarkI was born 1958 in the northern part of Denmark, named "Vensyssel", where I still live. I have been hunting all my life and have visited many countries with my rifle. I spend many hours with my fantastic Spaniels – with training and driven pheasants hunts. I´m a passionate re-loader for my self and my hunting friends. My favourite hunting countries are South Africa, Hungary and Sweden. I speak Danish, English and Swedish.

Lars Schmidt
Taxidermy consultant DenmarkI was born in 1977 in the south of Denmark near the border too Germany, and that’s where I live today. My passion for hunting/ fishing and wildlife, started when I was very young. I´ve hunted in more than 15 countries which also have given me a lot of fantastic friendships around the world. When hunting in Denmark my favourite game is whit my dog and a shotgun, and abroad everything you can shoot whit a bow and arrow. I speak, Danish, German, English, Swedish.

Jan Mortensen
Taxidermy consultant Denmark
Peter Korsgaard
Logistics Denmark & SwedenI live in the lovely countryside Djursland, Denmark, where I was born. Shot my first "game"' 8 years old. Hunting has always been a lifestyle for me. Today I work as a gamekeeper. I love all the things around the hunting. The game, the hunting dogs, and first of all the great People I have met all over the world during my passion for the hunting. My favorite game is the gracious Roedeer.

Frits Hansen
Logistics DenmarkI was born in 1955 at Djursland, Denmark. Since my childhood, I have loved the nature - and later on hunting became my big passion. For more 25 years I have been a registered professional “Schweisshundefürer”, and spend a lot of time on this important job. My favourite game is all species you can hunt with a rifle. I have no other hobbies than hunting.

Endré Futó
Logistics Denmark/HungaryWe could say I have the nature in my blood. I live next to a national park, where I also grew up, at Central Europe's biggest lake, Balaton. I am also working here, controlling the fishermen. I am responsible to transport the trophies to our proud hunters safe and sound. My dream is to visit an African hunting farm.

Dániel Futó
Logistics Denmark/HungaryI am from western part of Hungary. I love to travel. I've visited many countries and when I have the time beside my studies, I am happily going with my father to transport all the beautiful trophies through Europe. My favorite animal is the hyena with one of the strongest bite among mammals.

Kinga Bengyikné Hunyadi
AccountantI was born in 1969 in Pásztó,Hungary and living here with my family. My profession is an accountant. I got involved in hunting through the work in the taxidermy studio. My favorite game animal is the bear. My hobbies are family activities.

Danielle Kórós
Correcting / Finnish, European mounts, PackagingI’m live in a small village called Ecseg in Hungary. Since I was a child I would run in the nearby woods. I was always interested in hunting and my partner is a professional hunter. My hobbies are motorcycling and hunting. My favorite game is the Red Stag.

László Kun
TannerI was born in Mátramindszent, a village in Nógrád county, Hungary and have been living here ever since. I’m have been working with animal fur since my childhood and also this led me to become a hunter. I like all the animals. My hobbies are hunting, outdoor life and collecting herbs.

Ádám Závotka
Fleshing, Skin PreparationI was born in Salgótarján, Hungary in 1989 and still living here. I’ve always loved outdoor life so I finished a hunting school where I became a Professional Hunter. My hobbies are fishing and hunting. My favorite game animal is the Wildboar.

Mariann Kurunczi
Correcting/Finish, Make-up artistI was born in Pásztó and now living in Szarvasgede in Hungary with my family. I have a profession of skinner. Everyone in my family is hunters. My favorite game animals is the African Buffalo, Black Bear and Red Stag. My hobbies are chess and astronomy. I enjoy the creative work and the good team we work with.

Anita Lombos
Skin preparation, base/stone makingI was born in Pásztó, in 1978 and living in the neighbour village with my husband and my son. I always enjoyed creative work so I’m happy I’ve joined this team. I enjoy outdoor life and going for trips.

Evelin Ambrus
Skin preparation
Enikő Pusztainé Borbás
Correcting/Finish, Make-up artistI was born in Pásztó, Hungary and living here with my family. I have done pottery for 20 years. I’ve always loved creative activities and challenges, which makes me happy to have joined this team. I like all the game animals and outdoor life.

Ákos Bengyik
Packaging and SCI MeasurerI was born in 1992 in Pásztó, Hungary and currently studying Information Technology in Budapest. I always loved the nature and got involved in hunting and game animals through the work in the taxidermy studio. My favorite animals are the antlered African species. I speak Hungarian, English and can communicate in German.

Attila Poszgai
Production manager Wild Touch leather – and skin products
Monika Ilscik
Production coordinator & quality controller Wild Touch leather – and skin productsI was born in Hungary in 1973. I have been in commerce for decades, besides, I am a teacher in Budapest. As for Wild Touch I am responsible for double-checking the leather goods to be sure to have the best quality.

Szabolcs Mika
Katalin Rónai